Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM: I'll be signing copies of WOLVERINE: UNDER THE BOARDWALK, a new one-shot by me and the amazing Tomm Coker. Note tantalizing sample panel above.
Also on hand will be the X-MEN NOIR crew of Fred Van Lente and Dennis Calero, celebrating the release of the second X-MEN NOIR series. I'll also be signing copies of the WOLVERINE NOIR hardcover, and Tomm Coker (not present) is the artist of DAREDEVIL NOIR, so it all fits together holistically. Like a beautiful mandala. Of Noir.
And finally, David Gallaher and Steve Ellis of HIGH MOON fame will be there, signing their brand-new HULK: WINTER GUARD one-shot. So it'll be a big New York comics jam with just a slight holiday flavor.
Jim Hanley's Universe is at 4 West 33rd Street in Manhattan, just around the corner from the Empire State Building main entrance. Details on the signing can be found on their website.

(Above: From WOLVERINE NOIR by me and CP Smith, now available in a beautiful hardcover edition for only $19.95.)
>> And finally, David Gallagher and Steve Ellis of HIGH NOON fame will be there, signing their brand-new HULK: WINTER GUARD one-shot. So it'll be a big New York comics jam with just a slight holiday flavor.>>
I think it's David Gallaher, not Gallagher. And, the book is HIGH MOON, not HIGH NOON. Other than that, I can't wait to meet you att at the signing.
Agh, thanks -- corrected. Hey, I can barely handle the html. :) Look forward to meeting you too.
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