Stuart Moore:
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Thursday, December 27, 2007

End of the Year Thoughts (1)

Been a while since my last post. Time gets away from you.

Anyway, here's an exercise. Watch any news program, from CNN to the nightly network broadcasts. Note how many stories there are that just seem to be designed to make you nervous, then end with a shrug: Everything's screwed up and nobody knows why.

Now imagine the newscaster finishing each of these stories by saying: "The reason, of course, is the hideous mismanagement of [FILL IN TOPIC]* over the past seven years by the Republican Party leadership of the United States of America."

You're still nervous, but at least things make more sense now.

*Greatest hits: Katrina, the food supply, NSA spying, torture, and of course Iraq. There are a lot more, of course.


Jason Copland said...

Stuart's alive!

Hope Santa was good to you and Happy New Year!

Stuart Moore said...

You too Jason! Yeah, just had some crap to deal with for a while there...

Ryan Kelly said...

Stuart! Have a great year. May your comics rule.

For me, I hope this will be the first year, 2008, that after discussing all the horrible things that go on, a member of the news media actually asks, "do you think, maybe, it's because The Republican party have had absolute power for 8 years?" I don't think that's ever happened before. It's the first difficult step in Therapy. Admitting that Republicans are bad.

Oh, and in the fall, i get to have the Republican National Convention 8 blocks from my house. Teeth-grinding good times for me!

Anonymous said...

"The reason, of course, is the hideous mismanagement of [FILL IN TOPIC]* over the past seven years by the Republican Party leadership of the United States of America."

Imagine it? I see it every night. What's the issue with you powers of perception/observation?

Here's a test of your powers: have you noticed that since the number of violent actions in Iraq has gone donw by more than 60% and the Iraqi parliment is performing better than the Dem controlled & gridlocked Congress, the number of Iraq stories is minimal, thereby leaving you with your last impression, i.e., that Iraq is still messed up.

That's the the powers of perception.